Results for 'Alexander Valentinovich Fisher'

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  1.  16
    Problems of strategic management of economic risks in a territorial context.Irina Vasilievna Vorobieva, Irina Alekseevna Zaichenko & Alexander Valentinovich Fisher - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):40-47.
    The work highlights the problems of economic risk management in a territorial context. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the strategic management of economic risks in a territorial context, based on the development of a mechanism of criteria that can give a generalized assessment of the results of risk situations, based on consideration of the variability of the development of the territorial economy. When assessing risks, special attention is paid to the economic results of the consequences of their (...)
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    Toward a model of eye movement control in reading.Erik D. Reichle, Alexander Pollatsek, Donald L. Fisher & Keith Rayner - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (1):125-157.
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    Alternating automata and temporal logic normal forms.Clare Dixon, Alexander Bolotov & Michael Fisher - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 135 (1-3):263-285.
    We provide a translation from SNFPLTL, a normal form for propositional linear time temporal logic, into alternating automata on infinite words, and vice versa. We show this translation has the property that the set of SNFPLTL clauses is satisfiable if and only if the alternating automaton has an accepting run. As there is no direct method known for checking the non-emptiness of alternating automata, the translation to SNFPLTL, together with a temporal proof on the resulting SNFPLTL clauses, provides an indirect (...)
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    Clausal resolution in a logic of rational agency.Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher & Alexander Bolotov - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 139 (1):47-89.
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  5. Samuel Alexander's Early Reactions to British Idealism.A. R. J. Fisher - 2017 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 23 (2):169-196.
    Samuel Alexander was a central figure of the new wave of realism that swept across the English-speaking world in the early twentieth century. His Space, Time, and Deity (1920a, 1920b) was taken to be the official statement of realism as a metaphysical system. But many historians of philosophy are quick to point out the idealist streak in Alexander’s thought. After all, as a student he was trained at Oxford in the late 1870s and early 1880s as British Idealism (...)
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    The logical syntax of deontic operators.Alexander Broadie - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (127):116-126.
    The strong and the weak deontic operators, O and p, Have been employed as operators on names of acts (e.G. By g h von wright) and on imperatives (e.G. By m fisher), But most commonly as proposition forming operators on propositions (e.G. By a n prior). But a strong case can be made out for the introduction of two kinds of adverbial deontic operator operating respectively on a proposition and on a predicate. These two operators can be used to (...)
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    A note on averaging correlations.Ralph A. Alexander - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (4):335-336.
    Researchers are often faced with attempting to estimate a correlation based on the aggregation of sample rs either from several samples or from repeated measures within a single sample. The usual approach is either to average the observed correlations or to average the Fisher’s z- transformed rs and to back-transform the average z value. This note describes a minimum-variance unbiased estimator for the situation that is superior to either approach and is also simple to compute.
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  8. Samuel Alexander's Theory of Categories.A. R. J. Fisher - 2015 - The Monist 98 (3):246-67.
    Samuel Alexander was one of the first realists of the twentieth century to defend a theory of categories. He thought that the categories are genuinely real and grounded in the intrinsic nature of Space-Time. I present his reduction of the categories in terms of Space-Time, articulate his account of categorial structure and completeness, and offer an interpretation of what he thought the nature of the categories really were. I then argue that his theory of categories has some advantages over (...)
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  9.  36
    Samuel Alexander and the Psychological Origins of Realism.A. R. J. Fisher - 2021 - In Marking the Centenary of Samuel Alexander’s Space, Time and Deity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 165-91.
    This chapter explores the philosophical development of Alexander’s empiricism, interest in experimental psychology, and its connection to realism and its subsequent rise in the early twentieth century. His early interests are most notably his rejection of British idealism and an empiricist tendency derived in part from classical empiricism and empirical developments in psychology. It is argued that Alexander arrives at realism through his work on psychology, thus revealing that the rise of realism has some psychological origins. His philosophical (...)
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  10.  29
    Flag Algebras.Alexander A. Razborov - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1239 - 1282.
    Asymptotic extremal combinatorics deals with questions that in the language of model theory can be re-stated as follows. For finite models M, N of an universal theory without constants and function symbols (like graphs, digraphs or hypergraphs), let p(M, N) be the probability that a randomly chosen sub-model of N with |M| elements is isomorphic to M. Which asymptotic relations exist between the quantities p(M₁, N),...,p(Mh, N), where M₁,...,Mh are fixed "template" models and |N| grows to infinity? In this paper (...)
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  11.  69
    Marking the Centenary of Samuel Alexander’s Space, Time and Deity.A. R. J. Fisher (ed.) - 2021 - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Samuel Alexander was an important figure in the rise of realism in the early twentieth century. Alongside Moore and Russell he forwarded the cause of realism in England with a systematic exposition of a realist metaphysics in his magnum opus Space, Time and Deity (1920). This volume is a collection of essays on Alexander’s philosophy, ranging from his metaphysics of spacetime, theory of categories, epistemology and account of perception, naturalism, and interpretations of reactions by R.G. Collingwood and John (...)
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  12.  82
    Women in the Greek World Sarah B. Pomeroy: Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra. Pp. xxvi + 241; 13 illustrations, 2 tables, 2 maps. New York: Shocken Books, 1984. $16.95. Giampiera Arrigoni (ed.): Le Donne in Grecia. Pp. xxx + 447; 44 plates. Rome/Bari: Laterza, 1985. L. 36,000. [REVIEW]N. R. E. Fisher - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):259-261.
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    Introduction.A. R. J. Fisher - 2021 - In Marking the Centenary of Samuel Alexander’s Space, Time and Deity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-20.
    In this Introduction, Alexander and his work are outlined in its historical context with an account of his place in the history of philosophy. The background and motivation of the work is given along with a description of the organisation and content of the chapters that follow. Justification is also given for the inclusion of three posthumous papers by Alexander and how these posthumous papers relate to the newly commissioned essays.
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  14.  28
    A Proletariat of One: Libertarianism and the Psychosis of Authority.David L. Fisher - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):142-150.
    Libertarianism has a problem, perhaps an insurmountable one, and its problem lies squarely in the domain from which it is sourced: the intellectual and political elite of the West. As such, it rests on an ontological viewpoint far outside the purview and experience of quotidian man. Furthermore, it rests on an epistemology of the person as sovereign, Natural Law, which requires a concomitant education or understanding of the Classics, or at least self-awareness and the ability to think logically. Many non-intellectuals (...)
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  15. Coherence and correspondence in the network dynamics of belief suites.Patrick Grim, Andrew Modell, Nicholas Breslin, Jasmine Mcnenny, Irina Mondescu, Kyle Finnegan, Robert Olsen, Chanyu An & Alexander Fedder - 2017 - Episteme 14 (2):233-253.
    Coherence and correspondence are classical contenders as theories of truth. In this paper we examine them instead as interacting factors in the dynamics of belief across epistemic networks. We construct an agent-based model of network contact in which agents are characterized not in terms of single beliefs but in terms of internal belief suites. Individuals update elements of their belief suites on input from other agents in order both to maximize internal belief coherence and to incorporate ‘trickled in’ elements of (...)
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    The Story of the Nations: Alexander's Empire. By J. P. Mahaffy, D.D. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 5 s.W. W. Fowler - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (07):203-204.
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    (1 other version)The conservative mind, from Burke to Eliot.Russell Kirk - 1960 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
    Discusses philosophers such as John Burke, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Fisher Ames, Sir Walter Scott, George Canning, John C. Calhoun, John Marshall, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Randolph, James Fenimore Cooper, Tocqueville, John Quincy Adams, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, James Russell Lowell, Henry Adams, George Gissing, Arthur Balfour, W.H. Mallock, Irving Babbitt, Paul Elmer More, George Santayana, Sir Henry Maine, and others.
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  18.  6
    Materialismus militans: reply to Mr. Bogdanov.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1973 - Moscow: Progress. Edited by A. Bogdanov.
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    Chelovek filosofstvui︠u︡shchiĭ: issledovanie sovremennykh modeleĭ filosofskoĭ propedevtiki.Sergeĭ Valentinovich Borisov - 2005 - Moskva: Per Sė.
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  20. Filosofīi︠a︡ bolʹshevizma.Boris Valentinovich I︠A︡kovenko - 1921
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  21. Ocherki russkoĭ filosofīi.Boris Valentinovich I︠A︡kovenko - 1922 - Russkoe Universal'noe Izd-Vo.
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  22. Zur kritik der logistik.Boris Valentinovich I︠A︡kovenko - 1936 - Prag,:
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    Moshchʹ filosofii.Boris Valentinovich Jakovenko - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
  24.  6
    Vissarion Grigorievich Belinski: a monograph.Boris Valentinovich Jakovenko - 1986 - Melbourne: D. Jakovenko.
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  25. Prezhde chem vypisyvat'retsept, trebuetsia utochnit'diagnoz.Vladimir Valentinovich Lapkin - 1999 - Polis: Politicheskie Issledovaniia 4:73-76.
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  26. Neobkhodimostʹ sebi︠a︡: vvedenie v filosofii︠u︡: doklady, statʹi, filosofskie zametki.Merab Mamardashvili & Igor Valentinovich Peshkov - 1996 - Moskva: Labyrint.
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  27. A concepção materialista da história.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1963 - Rio de Janeiro]: Vitória.
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  28.  18
    (2 other versions)Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus: Holbach, Helvetius, Marx.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1896 - Zittau: B. Müller.
  29. Essays in the history of materialism.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1934 - New York,: H. Fertig. Edited by Paul Henri Thiry Holbach, Helvétius, Karl Marx & Ralph Fox.
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    Filosofsko-literaturnoe nasledie G. V. Plekhanova.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1973
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  31. (1 other version)In defence of materialism.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1947 - London,: Lawrence & Wishart. Edited by Andrew Rothstein.
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  32. Kritika nashikh kritikov.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1906
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  33. K voprosu o razvitīi monisticheskago vzgli︠a︡da na istorīi︠u︡.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1905
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  34. Kindai yuibutsuronshi: Dorubakku, Eruveshiusu, Marukusu.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1928 - Tōkyō: Dōjinsha. Edited by Kensuke Enomoto.
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  35. Lun yi yuan lun li shi guan zhi fa zhan.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1961 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Gu [From Old Catalog] Bo.
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  36. Materialismus militans.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1928
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  37. Otvet gospodinu A. Bogdanovu.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1923
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    Ot idealizma k materializmu.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1923
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    O materialisticheskom ponimanii istorii.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1944 - Ogiz.
  40. Shiteki ichigenron.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1929 - Tōkyō: Tettō Shoin. Edited by Tadahiko Kawauchi.
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  41. (1 other version)The development of the monist view of history.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1947 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House.
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    (1 other version)The materialist conception of history.Georgii Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1940 - New York: International Publishers.
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  43. Über materialistische Geschichtsauffassung.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1946 - Moskau,: Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur.
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  44. Yuibutsuron to benshōhō no konpon gainen: Royaku Fuoierubahha ron yori.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1927 - Tōkyō: Nansō Shoin. Edited by Hiroshi Nagata.
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    Anomalii znanii︠a︡: idei i li︠u︡di.Vitaliĭ Valentinovich T︠S︡elishchev - 2021 - Moskva: ROOI "Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡".
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  46. Dve interpretat︠s︡ii logicheskikh sistem.Vitalii Valentinovich Tselishchev & Aleksandr Vladimirovich Bessonov - 1979 - Novosibirsk: Nauka. Edited by Aleksandr Vladimirovich Bessonov.
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  47. Filosofskie osnovanii︠a︡ nauchnoĭ teorii.Vitalii Valentinovich Tselishchev & V. N. Karpovich (eds.) - 1985 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie.
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    Filosofskiĭ raskol: logika vs metafizika.Vitaliĭ Valentinovich T︠S︡elishchev - 2021 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Kanon-Pli︠u︡s".
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  49. Logika sushchestvovanii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Valentinovich T︠S︡elishchev - 1976
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    Dialekticheskiĭ materializm. Vorobʹev, Lev Valentinovich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1962
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